Autism Testing in Frisco, TX

Autism Testing for Adults and Teens in Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW)

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by differences in social skills, communication, behavior, and learning.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by differences in social skills, communication, behavior, and learning. Since autism occurs on a spectrum, individual needs, challenges, strengths, and skills can vary from person to person. 

No two people with autism are exactly alike. 

Each year, 1 in 36 children are identified as autistic. Girls are four times less likely to receive a diagnosis than boys, because they may present signs of autism differently. Research has found girls are more likely to mask, camouflage, and mimic neurotypical behaviors. This leads to misdiagnosis and/or lack of diagnosis for women and girls. 

While there has been an increasing awareness of autism within the past few years, during the prior decade, only half as many individuals (1 in 68) received an autism diagnosis. The statistics indicate many adults may not have been properly identified with autism in the past, with people of color and LGBTQ+ communities being significantly underdiagnosed. 

Autism cannot be solely detected by checklists and observable behaviors found in the DSM-5. Historically, there has been an overreliance on a single diagnostic measure, observable symptoms, and screening measures. Some practitioners may still continue to use this approach. A proper diagnosis requires an in-depth evaluation of additional factors and multiple evidence-based measures. It is critical to find a practitioner that asks about your lived experiences, utilizes qualitative and quantitative measures, understands how autism presents differently in diverse populations, and is neurodiversity-affirming. 

A proper autism diagnosis requires an in-depth evaluation of additional factors and multiple evidence-based measures.

What makes our evaluation different

We spend our time and energy on the things that matter -- our clients. 

We do not use outdated testing methods or information regarding autism. We keep up with the latest research, use a variety of measures (both qualitative and quantitative) to get rich data, and constantly invest in specialized certifications, training and assessments. 

We understand autism, in all of its varying presentations.  

Dr. Shukla has extensive experience providing  therapy and assessments for neurodiverse clients, and has a passion for sharing her knowledge with practitioners, trainees, and community members. She has sought opportunities to share on topics related to autistic adults, girls/women, LGBTQ+, as well as people of color.  While she has years of experience and specialized certifications, her work is never complete. She continues to seek training to further advance her knowledge by being involved in various local and national organizations related to autism and spread awareness of the intersectionality between autism and other marginalized identities. 

We do not try to "fix" your autism. 

Instead, we hear your concerns, validate your needs, and collaborate on an action plan to improve the aspects of your life where you feel like you are struggling. We can help you understand more about yourself, including how you process information, sensitivities to your environment, communication style, relationship patterns, and other areas of functioning. Using this information may help you gain more awareness, identify your strengths, and provide you with a road map for how to approach areas of growth.

We value you more than the "gold standard."  

You may have heard others mention they utilize the "gold standard" for autism assessments. However, at our practice, the "gold standard" is merely the starting point for our evaluations.  We first take the time to deeply understand your experiences and concerns through the diagnostic interview. Then, our assessment instruments change depending on your needs- therefore, each battery of tests and compilation of recommendations is personalized to you. 

We do not just provide a report-- we try to provide you with support. 

Many of our clients come in with feelings of being completely overwhelmed and not knowing what type of support they need. We get it that is why we tailor our feedback meeting to not only discuss the meaning behind your results, but also to help you know what type of support you deserve. Our hope is to help you learn more about yourself and to provide you with a personalized collection of strategies, recommendations, suggested accommodations, and resources. 

Schedule your Complimentary 15-minute consultation